Travel Books India

“Three, best Travel Books India written by Indian Authors, which inspires to Travel”

Reading different books on travel help you travel to faraway lands without actually traveling. Here are three great travel books written by Indian authors to inspire the traveler in you.

Some books based on travel are great for the armchair traveler in you. They also have the ability to inspire you and make you travel to faraway lands, away from the selfie chasing tourist crowds. And that is why we love reading travel books so much. Many of them tend to be on offbeat destinations and even offbeat trips, so they really put the romance back into travel.

In the past few years, many readers were lucky to read quite a few books and many of them were in this genre. So in this article, I will be sharing with you the three best travel books by Indian authors. So let’s get right into it! Below are the Travel Books India written by Indian Authors.

1. “Borderlands” by Pradeep Damodaran

This book takes you to places in India which are closer to other countries than to the Indian heartland, geographically and sometimes even culturally. The author travels to fascinating border towns and islands bringing us stories of what it means to be an Indian.

The book narrates the author’s first-hand experiences and observations from places like Dhanushkodi in Tamil Nadu which is only a few nautical miles from Sri Lanka, Moreh – an Indo-Myanmar Bordertown, and the Indo-Bangladesh border trail.

The most interesting observations, to me personally, come from Hussainiwala. This town along the Indo-Pakistan border has Indian farmers crossing over to the Pakistani side to till their fields and returning back home in the evening. The same thing happens with some Pakistani farmers as well.

It is a fascinating book that will make you want to travel to lesser-known places around India.

Here is the best buy link for “Borderlands” by Pradeep Damodaran:

2. The Shooting Star by Shivya Nath

Many Travel enthusiasts even have the good fortune of knowing Shivya personally, and consider her the best travel blogger in India. Her book ‘The Shooting Star’ is part travel book and part memoir of her unusual life. 

Shivya quit her corporate job in her early 20s to live a life of travel. Of course, the decision came with a lot of challenges. The book tries to balance the narration between her personal and outward journey to the beautiful places she has been to.

The book opens with her narrating her experience with Ayahuasca deep in the Peruvian Amazon. You immediately know that this is going to be a roller coaster of a book. Packed with memorable travel experiences, this book is an ode to a life less ordinary and to the beautiful planet we call home.

You can check out this great book on Amazon. Here is the link:

3. Grit, Gravel and Gear by Dhruv Bogra

Some books become a reference point for what you want to do in the future. For me, that book would be ‘Grit, Gravel and Gear’ by Dhruv Bogra.

Dhruv, a high flying executive, quit his job to take a 15-month cycling odyssey from the Arctics to the Peruvian Andes. The book is as much a philosophical meditation as it is a memoir of an epic adventure.

The writer takes you along his journey through the Yukon in Canada, United States, Mexico and Central America, before he lands in Peru for the final lap of the journey.

Dhruv manages to marry his first-hand experiences with great storytelling while he also dwells on important questions like meaning of life, climate change, indigenous culture and other things we hardly have time to think about in everyday life.

This is one hell of a book that every adventure and life enthusiast must-read. Here’s the link to the book on Amazon:

Final Thoughts!!

That’s it from my side, on three great travel books by Indian authors. I am trying to create a list of travel book that readers must read in this year. So would really love to know your recommendations on great travel books India. Do share as many as you like in the comments section below. They could be written by Indian or foreign authors, no problem. Hope this article would be helpful for all the travel heads and you may get the appropriate information through the above text. If you have any questions, you can ask in the comment section below.

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